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Here you find a collection of Free R Software (Calculators) for the purpose of Statistics Education. These R modules have been created by Prof. Dr. Ian Holliday at Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

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Workshop 1 - Using Histograms & QQplots
(graphically investigate sample distributions)
Histogram & QQplotscomputes the Histogram and QQplot for a univariate data series.

Workshop 2 - Data Screening
Histogram & QQplotscomputes the Histogram and QQplot for an univariate data series. The default data was taken from a study by Peter Reddy and Liz Moores from Aston University on the benefits of taking a placement year (Reddy & Moores, 2006).
Boxplot & Trimmed Meanscomputes a BoxPlot for a data series classed by a factor variable. The default data was taken from a study by Peter Reddy and Liz Moores from Aston University on the benefits of taking a placement year (Reddy & Moores, 2006).

Workshop 3 - Descriptive Statistics
(about the Carolina Educational Study Dataset)
Boxplots & Scatterplot Matrixcomputes a boxplot for each variable (by column) and a matrix of scatterplot for each pair of variables. The data vectors were abstracted from the study dataset Bibliographic Citation: Ramey, Craig T., James J. Gallagher, Frances A. Campbell, Barbara H. Wasik, and Joseph J. Sparling. CAROLINA ABECEDARIAN PROJECT AND THE CAROLINA APPROACH TO RESPONSIVE EDUCATION (CARE), 1972-1992 [Computer file]. ICPSR version. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina [producer], 2002. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2004.
Simple Z-Testcomputes the z-score and probability of occurence of a specified value against a user-defined normal distribution.

Workshop 4 - Correlation Analysis
(about Cognition in Pregnancy: Perceptions and Performance)
Correlationscomputes the following statistics: Pearson Correlation, Spearman Correlation rho, Kendall Correlation tau. The default data were abstracted from Crawley, R., Cognition in Pregnancy: Perceptions and Performance, 2005-2006 [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive [distributor], March 2007. SN: 5615. This R module is used in Workshop 4 of the PY2224 statistics course at Aston University, UK.

Workshop 5 - Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test
(testing for a 'Location Difference' between two samples)
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Testcomputes the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test. This R module is used in Workshop 5 of the PY2224 statistics course at Aston University, UK.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Testcomputes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. This R module is used in Workshop 5 of the PY2224 statistics course at Aston University, UK.

Workshop 6 - T-Tests and Effect Size
T-Testscomputes the one- and two-sided T-Tests about the difference of means. This R module is used in Workshop 6 of the PY2224 statistics course at Aston University, UK.

Workshop 7 - Pearson's Chi-Square Test
Chi-Square Testscomputes the Pearson Chi-Square Test and the Exact Pearson Chi-Square Test by Simulation. This R module is used in Workshop 7 of the PY2224 statistics course at Aston University, UK.

Workshop 8 - One-Way-Between-Groups ANOVA
One Factor ANOVAcomputes the One-Way-Between-Groups ANOVA, Levene's Test for Equality of Variances, and Tukey's HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) Test. This R module is used in Workshop 8 of the PY2224 statistics course at Aston University, UK.

Workshop 9 - Two-Way ANOVA and Simple Linear Regression
Two Factor ANOVAcomputes the Two-Way ANOVA, Levene's Test for Equality of Variances, and Tukey's HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) Test. This R module is used in Workshop 9 of the PY2224 statistics course at Aston University, UK.
Simple Regressioncomputes the Simple Linear Regression Model (with one explanatory variable). This R module is used in Workshop 9 of the PY2224 statistics course at Aston University, UK.

Workshop 10 - Mixed Within-Between Two-Way ANOVA
Mixed Two Factor ANOVAcomputes the Mixed Within-Between Two-Way ANOVA, Mauchly's Sphericity Test, and the Sphericity Corrections using Greenhouse-Geisser values (GG) or Huynh-Feldt (HF). This R module is used in Workshop 10 of the PY2224 statistics course at Aston University, UK.